Book Blitz with Excerpt & Giveaway: Always With You by Hannah Ellis

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Always With You by Hannah Ellis. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 3 till 9 October. See the tour schedule here.

Always With You is only $0.99 on Amazon for a limited time!

Always With YouAlways With You
By Hannah Ellis
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 3 October 2017

A secret kept for more than twenty years. A daughter intent on finding the truth…

In 1994, twenty-one-year-old Evelyn Taylor left England to backpack around Australia. When she stopped off in the dusty outback town of Kununurra, she never expected to fall in love with the place – and the people. But Joe Sullivan captured her heart, and when her fun-filled year in Australia came to an end, saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

In 2017, Evelyn’s daughter, Libby, embarks on her own Australian adventure. Grief-stricken following her mother’s death, she’s determined to find the father she never met.

Little does she know that digging up the past will be more complicated than she ever imagined.

You can find Always With You on Goodreads

Only $0.99 for a limited time!
You can buy Always With You for only $0.99 for a limited time on Amazon
Always With You is available to read with Kindle Unlimited.


“I’m going to come straight out and ask,” Heidi said, pausing from filing her nails. “Do you want a hug? We could just sit here and cry for the morning if you want? I’d deal with anyone who tried to interrupt.”

I chuckled lightly as I started the process of extracting my outer layer of clothing and readying myself for a morning of making beds and cleaning up after a bunch of strangers. “No, thanks!”

“We can find a minibar to raid if you want?”

“I don’t think so.”

“A regular-sized bar then, if you insist!”

“Did Mel message you?” I asked, pulling on the ugly grey tabard and switching my shoes for a pair of well-worn Crocs.

“Only like a thousand times,” Heidi said, swivelling to sit upright on the couch. “She told me to look out for you today. As if I don’t look out for you every day! She’s actually driving me a bit crazy. You know she had the cheek to invite me over for dinner tonight?”

“She is awful sometimes,” I said, deadpan. “What a cow.”

“But why does she think I need an invitation? Is she trying to make a point about all the times I come around without being invited? Like every Friday night for the past ten years! I’m family. Why do I suddenly need an invite?”

“Well, you’re not actually family,” I reminded her.

They’re your family, and I’m your family, so I’m related to them through you.”

“Just two small flaws to that equation,” I said flatly. “I’m not related to them or you!”

“I’m your best friend!” she said, outraged. “We’re bound by the knowledge of each other’s deepest secrets and most embarrassing moments. It’s more of a tie than blood, that is. And of course Mel and Rob are your family. You say the weirdest things sometimes. I don’t know why you insist on identifying as a poor little orphan girl.”

“I don’t!” I spluttered. Heidi stared at me, her eyebrows at odd angles. “I’m not even an orphan,” I mumbled. “I have a father somewhere.”

Heidi settled herself back into the couch. “Let’s talk about him.”

“Let’s not.” Sometimes I wished I’d never mentioned my father to Heidi. The snippets of information I’d found out about him before Mum died had played on my mind for a while, and I’d confided in Heidi at the time. I still knew little more than his name. Heidi had been more excited by the revelation than me. She’d spent time searching for him on the internet but hadn’t found out much, other than that he still lived in Australia – where my mum had met him. Heidi had wanted to get on the first plane and go track him down. The more Heidi encouraged me, the more I laughed it off as a crazy idea. After all, I’d managed perfectly well without a father for twenty-one years; why did I need one now?

Because you don’t have a mother any more, the annoying voice inside my head reminded me.

Hannah EllisAbout the Author:
Hannah Ellis lives in Munich with her husband and two little boys. She’s originally from England and has lived in America, Australia and Ireland. As well as writing, she also teaches English to kindergarten kids. In her spare time she likes to read books, drink tea and eat chocolate. She goes jogging regularly but hasn’t decided if she really enjoys it or not. She’s a huge fan of sunshine, and the many Munich beer gardens.

You can find and contact Hannah here:

There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Always With You. One winner will win a signed paperback of Always With You and some swag, picture below. Open International.
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